Workshop equipment
Attrezzo Variomatic puleggia SIP per Vespa GTS/GTS Super /GTV/GT60/GT/GT L 125-300ccm ('03-'13/'17-`22)
Lo strumento di fissaggio è necessario per allentare e fissare il dado Vario. Per fare ciò, l'attrezzo viene posizionato sulla puleggia con le due alette di ritegno e avvitato all'alloggiamento del motore tramite la boccola e la vite. Ora puoi allentare/serrare facilmente il dado con un cricchetto o una chiave dinamometrica. Nessuna officina dovrebbe essere priva di questo strumento, ma è anche consigliabile avere sempre con sé lo strumento di presa durante i tour. Chiunque abbia mai provato a cambiare una cinghia trapezoidale rotta nel bel mezzo del nulla senza uno strumento di tenuta, saprà quanto può essere importante il piccolo strumento di tenuta per il Vario.
Vespa 125 GT L ( Euro 3 ) ZAPM31100 4T LC
Vespa 125 GT L ZAPM31101 4T LC
Vespa 125 GT ZAPM31100 4T LC
Vespa 125 GTS Super i.e.ZAPM45300 / ZAPM45301 4T LC
Vespa 125 GTS Super Sport ZAPM45300 4T LC
Vespa 125 GTS ZAPM31300 4T LC
Vespa 125 GTV ZAPM31301 4T LC
Vespa 200 GT 60° i.e. ZAPM45102 4T LC
Vespa 200 GT L ZAPM31200 4T LC
Vespa 200 GT ZAPM31200 4T LC
Vespa 250 GTS i.e. ABS ZAPM45101 4T LC
Vespa 250 GTS i.e. ZAPM45100 4T LC
Vespa 250 GTV i.e. ZAPM45102 4T LC
Vespa 300 GTS i.e. ZAPM45200 4T LC
Vespa 300 GTS i.e. ZAPM45200/ZAPM45202 4T LC
Vespa 300 GTS Super i.e. ZAPM45200 / ZAPM45202 4T LC
Vespa 300 GTS Super i.e. ZAPM45200 4T LC
Vespa 300 GTS Super Sport i.e. ZAPM45200 4T LC
Essential tool set "Mecha tool" DR.BIKE - package 185x105x40mm
Convenient packaging with compact dimensions, essential for on-the-road repairs.
The kit contains:
1 Long nose pliers
1 Wire cutter
1 Flathead screwdriver
1 Phillips screwdriver
1 Bit holder
10 Bits
1 Extension
7 Sockets (11/10/9/8/7/6/5 mm)
5 Wrenches (6/5/4/3/2 mm)
All models
Chiave VMC blocca cestello frizione e pignone per Vespa 50/90/125/Primavera//ET3/PK50-125/S/XL/XL2
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa PK
Attrezzo SIP con impugnatura gommata per tiraggio cavi cambio su Vespa PX
Adapter for RDV swivel engine support from vice for Vespa 125/150/160/180/200 VNB-VBB-GT-GTR-TS-Sprint-GL-Rally
Vespa 125/150/160/180/200 VNB-VBB-GT-GTR-TS-Sprint-GL-Rally
Double open-end wrench 7-10 mm
Finish: Burnished
All Models
20-liter plastic gasoline canister approved
Color: Red
All models
Gear tree assembly tool for Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3/PK50-125/S/XL/XL2/125 V1-GTR 2°/TS 2°/150 VL-Sprint V2°/Super 2°/PX80-200/PE/Lusso/'98/MY/'11/T5/Cosa
M16x1.25, M14x1.5, M12x1.5, M12x1.25, RH M10x1.5, LH M10x1.5 mm
10 parts
Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3/PK50-125/S/XL/XL2/125 V1-GTR 2°/TS 2°/150 VL-Sprint V2° /Super 2°/PX80-200/PE/Lusso/'98/MY/'11/T5/Cosa
Punzone SIP -6mm- STELLA - per numero telaio per Vespa tutti i modelli
Tutti i modelli di Vespa
Universal flywheel puller tool, 6 tools in 1
Verify compatibility independently
USAG 907-S stroboscopic gun
For stroboscopic visualization of timing marks
Usable on 4 or 2 stroke engines up to two sparks per revolution.
L 310 x W 285 x H 110 mm
12-month warranty
Supplied in a plastic case complete with cables and rubber shockproof cap and connection clamps
All models
Supporto porta motore VMC EASY per Vespa 50/90/125 N/L/R-Special-Primavera-PK
Vespa 50/90/125 N/L/R-Special-Primavera-PK
Universal OMCROP lifter for all Vespa models
Made of galvanized steel and equipped with swivel and braking wheels.
Its particular structure and the included jig that rotates
360° allow you to reach any part of the motorcycle with
maximum convenience.
Minimum height: cm 12
Maximum height: cm 100
Capacity: kg 250
Length: cm 125 Width: cm 70
The shipping cost will be communicated at the time of order. (based on the address)
5-liter metal gasoline can in Green color
Containers made of steel, 0.8 mm thick, plasma welded.
Powder coating
All models
2-liter rigid plastic gasoline can Hunersdorff "fuel friend"
Color: black
All models
Replacement weights for extractor 07-FQ-055-IR flywheel side bearing 25X38X15 mm for Vespa PK125 S 2°/ETS/N/XL/XL2/125 GTR 2°/TS 2°/150 Sprint V 2°/Super 2°/200 Rally 2°/PX80-200/PE/Lusso/Cosa
D. 29 mm
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T 145901>
Vespa 125 PX
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T 18139>
Vespa 125 PK ETS VMS1T
Vespa 125 PK
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T 412374>
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T 0294260>
Vespa 150 PX
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T 0033997>
Vespa 200 PE
Brake Cleaner RMS pulitore freni e ganasce 400 ml
Il pulitore freni è un prodotto concepito per rimuovere rapidamente polvere, sporco, olio e liquido dei freni e dai sistemi di frizione. Si asciuga in pochi minuti e aiuta a prolungare la vita dei dischi e delle pastiglie dei freni.
Spray Pulizia Carburatore e Iniettori RMS 400ml
Rimuove incrostazioni contaminanti da: farfalle, mono iniettori, valvole E.G.R., carburatori. Ideale per pulire le parti esterne ed interne. Pulisce senza necessità di disassemblare.
Silent-block assembly/disassembly tool for Vespa 125 VNA–TS/150 VBA-T4/160 GS/180 SS/Rally/PX80-150/PE/Lusso/'98/MY/'11/T5/Cosa
Vespa 125 VNA–TS/150 VBA-T4/160 GS/180 SS/Rally/PX80-150/PE/Lusso/'98/MY/'11/T5/Cosa
Pinza per capicorda SIP per capocorda e connettori non isolati da 0,5 a 6,0 mm²
Tutti i modelli
Serie rulli strumento montaggio bordo scudo per tutti i modelli con bordo in Alluminio
Secondo rullo per bordi con dimensioni maggiori / Second roller for edges with larger
per ns.codice: 10-FQ-004-CI
Tutti i modelli / All Models
Massette sostitutive per estrattore 07-FQ-055-IR anello cuscinetto lato volano per adatto anche per Vespa 160 GS/180 SS/180-200 Rally 1°
Vespa 160 GS/180 SS/180-200 Rally 1°
Strumento estrattore SIP gabbia a rulli alberino cambio per Vespa 50/90/125/Primavera//ET3/PK50-125/S/XL/XL2
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa PK
Pistola stroboscopica Prolite 6V / 12 Volt - Xenon
La fasatura dell'accensione è importante per la salute termica del
motore e per l'erogazione di tutta la potenza. Se si ricostruisce il
motore, non si dovrebbe fare affidamento sui marchi esistenti per la
regolazione dell'accensione, ma misurarla personalmente. Ciò è
facilmente possibile con questa pistola di fasatura elettronica per
motori a benzina con sistema di accensione a contatto o a transistor
(accensione CDI come in serie con ET3, PK, PX, PX, Cosa, T5 ecc.) Le accensioni a 6 e 12 volt possono essere regolate sia a 6 che a 12 volt. Nota:
Non importa se l'accensione è a 6V o 12V, è sempre necessaria una fonte
di alimentazione esterna a 12 Volt (ad es. una batteria per auto) se il
veicolo non ne ha già una.
Un tubo allo xeno super luminoso e una speciale lente convergente garantiscono una visibilità ottimale dei marcatori fissi anche a velocità superiori a 8000 rpm nel campo vicino.
La pistola è collegata ad una batteria da 12 volt tramite le clip a
coccodrillo e la clip induttiva sul cavo della candela (senza contatto
diretto con il filo)
Tutti i modelli
Clutch Group Extractor Tool for Vespa 50/90/125/Primavera//ET3/PK50-125/S/XL/XL2
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa PK
Anti-theft hook with padlock
Compatible with 10-inch open rims, it attaches to the fork tube by passing it through the wheel rim and securing it with the provided lock.
WARNING: Check the gap between the drum and the rim, on some models described as COMPATIBLE, a hole in the wheel rim may be necessary if the latter is NOT wide enough to allow the passage of the anti-theft device.
Vespa 50/90/125/150/180/200
Mobile universal lift for all Vespa models
universal, 360° swivel, minimum height: 13cm, maximum: 43cm empty weight: 34kg, load: 400kg
All Vespa models
Flywheel puller tool M28x1 for Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3/PK50-125/S/XL/XL2/125 GT-TS/150 GL-Super/200 Rally/PX80-200/PE/Lusso/'98/MY/'11/T5/Cosa
Size: 28x1
Vespa 50
Vespa 50 PK
Vespa 125 PK/S/XL/
Vespa 125 ET3
Vespa 125 GT/TS
Vespa 150 GL/Super
Vespa 180/200 Rally
Vespa PX/PE/T5/Cosa
Prolite TRISCO Stroboscope Gun 6V / 12 Volt - Xenon
The ignition timing is important for the thermal health of the
engine and for delivering full power. If you rebuild the
engine, you should not rely on existing marks for
ignition adjustment, but measure it personally. This is
easily possible with this electronic timing gun for
gasoline engines with contact or transistor ignition system
(CDI ignition as in series with ET3, PK, PX, PX, Cosa, T5 etc.) 6 and 12-volt ignitions can be adjusted at both 6 and 12 volts. Note:
It doesn't matter if the ignition is 6V or 12V, an external 12-volt power source (e.g. a car battery) is always needed if the
vehicle doesn't already have one.
A super bright xenon tube and a special converging lens ensure optimal visibility of the fixed markers even at speeds over 8000 rpm in the near field.
The gun is connected to a 12-volt battery via the crocodile clips and the inductive clip on the spark plug cable (without direct contact
with the wire)
All models
Crankshaft disassembly tool clutch side Vespa 50 N/L/R- Special-125/PV/ET3/PK50-125/S/SS/XL/XL2
Vespa 50 N/L/R- Special-125/PV/ET3/PK50-125/S/SS/XL/XL2
Estrattore Volano 26x1,25 mm DX
Lower steering bearing extractor for all Vespa models
Vespa 50/90/125/160/180/200
Waterproof microfiber washing glove, soft and practical
Prolite Stroboscope Gun 6V / 12 Volt - Xenon
The ignition timing is important for the thermal health of the
engine and for delivering full power. If you rebuild the
engine, you should not rely on existing marks for ignition
adjustment, but measure it personally. This is
easily possible with this electronic timing gun for
gasoline engines with contact or transistor ignition system
(CDI ignition as in series with ET3, PK, PX, PX, Cosa, T5, etc.) The 6 and 12 volt ignitions can be adjusted at both 6 and 12 volts. Note:
It doesn't matter if the ignition is 6V or 12V, an external 12 Volt power source is always required (e.g. a car battery) if the
vehicle doesn't already have one.
A super bright xenon tube and a special converging lens ensure optimal visibility of the fixed markers even at speeds above 8000 rpm in the near field.
The gun is connected to a 12-volt battery via the crocodile clips and the inductive clip on the spark plug wire (without direct contact with the wire)
All models
SIP Steering Lock Assembly/Disassembly Tool for Vespa 125 V1-15/V30-33/VM/VN/VNA/VNB/ACMA/Hofmann/150 VL/VB/GS/T1-4/VBA/VBB
Vespa 125 V1-15/V30-33/VM/VN/VNA/VNB/ACMA/Hofmann/150 VL/VB/GS/T1-4/VBA/VBB
Complete clutch Fabbri Racing FB24 for Vespa 50 Special-NLR / 90/125 Primavera ET3-PK-ETS
Clutch body made of billet ergal, central hub
made of billet steel, revolutionary spring system
dissociated; stabilized and certified. Guaranteed operation on
engines with up to 24 hp
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Vespa 50 PK
Vespa 50 PK XL
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa 125 PK
Supra Grey, gasket with high torque capability - 80 ml
Liquid silicone gasket, resistant to glycol. Ideal for flexible flanges. Machined surfaces, metal or plastics. • The product withstands water and glycol mixtures. • Excellent for components with high torque capacity. • Enhanced formula with oil resistance and excellent adhesion. • 8 times more flexible than cork and/or composite gaskets and 3 times more resistant to oils than conventional silicone gaskets. • Operating temperature: -54°C to 260°C • Non-corrosive to sensors present in the engine (such as Lambda and others). • Low odor. Dries in 40 minutes.
Folding aluminum loading ramp with a capacity of 272kg for motorcycle/scooter/Vespa/SI-Ciao-Bravo
All Models
O-ring and various dismantling tip tool kit for all models
Different inclinations
All Vespa models